martes, 17 de junio de 2014

Exams time is here!!!

Hi everyone! As I'm driving crazy with my exams/ revision/ tests however you call it in your country and I know that maybe some of you are going through the same I thought of sharing with you some tips to go through this time in an easier way ( if possible).

So first of all, I've learn through uot the years that if you get all stressed and anxious about this time, it will be worst. So I totally recommend you that when you' re done, you light some candles and put some music, maybe drink some tea or anything that relaxes you. To pamper a little bit more yourself take long baths or showers using really nice scented products on you to fill calmer and better at the end of the day.

I know this one may sound hard, but try to get enough hours of sleeping, this will help you to face the next day with a better atitiud.
At some point make sure, to go somewhere to distract yourself, either alone, or with a friend or a boyfriend, go to a park, or for dinner, or to the movies, anything you know would distract you for a while.
Also reading a book helps, at the moment I'm readin allegiant and I'm loving it, I'll post about Divergent series in another blog.

Well, untill now none of this tips actually involved studying, so now I'll go with the tips that involve our problem.
Allways before studying have breakfast, or in the case you don't study in the morning some kind of snack, so that hunger doesn't distract us in the middle, but don't have a heavy meal because all we want to do after those are laying in bed. And also always have water and any other drink (coffe, tea, juice, anything) this will give you some energy.

Also when starting to study, to have a more positive atitude, make sure you are wearing something confortable but at the same that you like how you look, I know it sounds wierd but it does help me. And I'll recommend you to keep your hair in a bun o a ponytail.

If you have kind of a visul memory (like I do) when studying always have lots of highliters or pens in diffrent colours, this will help you to remerber things.
If you aren't that visual memorizer, I'm kind of out of my confort zone, but I know that there are people that like learning things by hard, so I'll tell you that after your summary or whatever you use, keep it near your bed and read it before going to sleep, and when you wake up. When you are going out somewhere and you have some long bus or train way, put it on your bag or purse, and you can read it there.

Hope this was actually usefull, tell me if it helped you and about your ways to face this times of the year

Lovess, Malee. x

1 comentario:

  1. i've just nominate you for the liebster award!
